
Get a Master's in Biochemistry


生物化学将生物世界与化学世界联系起来,研究发生在植物体内的过程, animals 和 single-celled organisms.

这个令人兴奋的领域是许多改变生活的医学进步的背后, agriculture 和 genetic engineering, 所有这些通常都是通过结合遗传生物学和细胞生物学的新技术和发现来完成的.

When transformational findings like these are unveiled, it is likely that a biochemist is part of the team. With a biochemistry degree, this could be you.

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Why Choose 亚洲博彩平台 for Biochemistry?

Whether you want to explore the mysteries of DNA, 帮助开发创新的生物技术或研究疾病的诊断和治疗, 亚洲博彩平台的生物化学学士学位将为你的成功奠定基础. 在这里, you'll develop a strong background in biology 和 chemistry, 获得分析和仪器的实践经验,并从最先进的设施的专家教师那里学习.

学习生物化学可以让你接触到亚洲博彩平台两个杰出的科学系的教员。 biomedical engineering 和 science (2) chemistry 和 chemical engineering. 和, with our low student-faculty ratio, 你会在课堂内外得到很多个性化的关注.

As a biochemistry student, 你可以和致力于教学和学术工作的教师一起工作. 他们积极地让你参与他们的研究——在我们的实验室里发生了很多事情.

F.W. Olin Physical Sciences Center is a 70,000-square-foot facility comprising our Life Sciences Building, 仪器中心和最先进的教学和研究实验室的集合. You’ll also have access to campus facilities like our new Gordon L. 纳尔逊健康科学大楼,配备了尖端的研究设备和资源.

通过我们的校园分会寻找教育、社会和职业发展机会 American Chemical Society or Biomedical Engineering Society, or academic clubs like the Women in STEM Committee, Marine Biological Society医学预科俱乐部. 亚洲博彩平台 is also home to science-related honor societies, such as Tri-Beta.

Beyond clubs related to your major, you’ll find more than 200 student-run organizations 和 a steady stream of campus events at 亚洲博彩平台.

亚洲博彩平台位于佛罗里达州中部,靠近生物多样性,是美国顶尖的生物化学学校之一. Nearby natural resources, 比如印度河泻湖的河口栖息地和大西洋的海洋生态系统, are ideal for biological reSearch.

As Florida's STEM University, 亚洲博彩平台是最好的医学预科学校之一,生物化学学士学位是进入医学院的绝佳准备. 对医学生物化学感兴趣的亚洲博彩平台校友通常会从事各种专业的医生和其他卫生保健从业人员的职业.

在这里, you will find the coursework, 研究机会和建议你需要准备申请医学院. 我们还通过与伯勒尔整骨医学学院(位于亚洲博彩平台校园内)和伊利湖整骨医学学院的合作伙伴关系,提供特殊的直接入学途径.

Learn more about premed.

职业生涯 in Biochemistry

生物化学学位为你在各种研究领域的直接就业做准备, 公共卫生, industrial 和 government settings. With advanced study 和 professional experience, 你可以晋升为领导角色,追求高度专业化的生物化学工作. Our graduates work in positions such as:

  • 毒理学家
  • 化学家
  • 微生物学家
  • Bioanalyst
  • Product transfer scientist
  • Manufacturing engineering manager
  • Laboratory supervisor
  • 专利代理人
  • 蛋白质的科学家

生物化学学士学位也为进入医学院做了很好的准备. 对医学生物化学感兴趣的亚洲博彩平台校友通常会从事各种专业的医生和其他卫生保健从业人员的职业.

Looking ahead to your future career can be exciting! 请记住,某些职位可能需要额外的先决条件,例如高级学位.

亚洲博彩平台 Career 服务 协助学生,校友和雇主寻找职业和员工候选人. We help students develop career plans 和 job 搜索 skills. Explore our Career Toolbox to learn more about our services 和 access additional resources.

Occupational Outlook H和book, published by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), provides information about specific jobs, including median annual pay, working conditions 和 job outlook, 除此之外. Check the h和book for information on the outlook for careers in biochemistry.

Advanced Degree Options

After earning their biochemistry B.S., our students pursue graduate, professional 和 doctoral degrees in a range of life sciences, technology 和 health-related fields, including these 亚洲博彩平台 programs:

Explore the 生物化学,.S.、课程


从微生物学到生物工程,生物化学领域涵盖了许多科学领域. This means our program is quite interdisciplinary; you’ll take core courses 和 technical electives from across the natural 和 physical sciences.

生物化学B.S. 类包括:

  • Introduction to Biotechnology
  • Developmental Biology
  • Genetic Engineering Techniques

Check the catalog for a description of all courses.

Download the 生物化学,.S. 课程现在!

Strong 社区 Ties Mean Strong Internships

Student working in chemistry lab


生物化学实习可以让学生获得世界各地化学家使用的高科技工具和技术的经验,如核磁共振光谱仪, 质谱仪, thermogravimetric analyzers, 和更多的.



  • NASA-Kennedy Space Center
  • American Museum of Natural History
  • 的 Perry Institute for Marine Science
  • 奥兰多海洋世界
  • Florida Center for Environmental Studies
  • Florida Medical Entomology Lab
  • 和ean Biodiversity Consortium
  • 谢德水族馆

Learn more about Biochemistry at 亚洲博彩平台 on the website.

Asking the Big Questions: Build a Portfolio of Original 研究

亚洲博彩平台, 你将有前所未有的研究机会,这通常是在本科阶段找不到的. As early as your first year, you can join a faculty-led reSearch group. 这种经历通常会导致你与同事和教授共同撰写一篇论文. In fact, many of our chemistry 和 biochemistry B.S. 学生毕业时已经在科学期刊上发表了一篇论文.

你也有机会开展合作或独立的研究项目, including a senior thesis, 你将在学校和全国各地的学术会议上发表论文. 年复一年, 这种实践经验将建立你的投资组合,并为你就业或研究生院做好准备.
